Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The writing part.

  • A seat away from the people you will talk to.
  • a pencil (or pen, but pencil is better)
  • The speech you chose (I'm checking that they match what you did yesterday).
  • a piece of paper (or two to be safe.)

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Preparing for Finals and a New Trimester of English

You will need THIS LINK today.

Some important information:

Okay, so you won't have me for English 2B. There are some things you need to make sure you have when you walk into your 2B class next Tri, or in the Spring.

  1. English 2 Syllabus Cheat Sheet (white)
  2. SCHS Book Love Assignment (white)
  3. Your English 2 Rubric and writing guide/notes (two yellow pages)
  4. your MLA Cheat Sheet (white)
  5. Rhetorical Strategies and Figurative Devices (white)
  6. SOAPSTone Template (salmon)
  7. Charting Verbs (white)
  8. Rhetorical Precis Template (white)
  9. Text Analysis Two-Chunk Paragraph Guide (white)
  10. You should also keep your vocab root work and the shorter reading assignments. It's a good idea.
ALL of these (except number 3 and number 10) can be found in THIS FOLDER that has been shared with you. Yay!

Before we leave today, we need to talk about your 2B changes.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Things to do Monday Night for Homework


There are two things you need to make sure are done tonight:
  • Your BOOK REVIEW is due on by 11:59pm tonight (Monday, November 16).
  • By tomorrow, you need to print out or bring in your copy of ONE of the following speeches:

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Important Updates for the rest of the Trimester

These are important things you need to keep track of and be prepared for.

  • PSA Reflections are due Friday night (November 13) by 11:59pm. You do not need to turn them in anywhere. I will grade them on that document (DO NOT make a copy of the document.)
  • Book Love Reviews are due on on November 16 by 11:59pm
  • On Monday, November 16, we'll take at least half the class period to enjoy each other's presence, especially as we will not be in a class together again this year. (I teach 9th graders after this trimester.) I request that if you bring food, you bring enough for everyone. You are not obligated to bring food in any way, and are welcome to the festivities even if you don't.
  • On Tuesday, you will be doing the writing portion of your final exam. We'll talk about what you need for that on Friday.

Today you will receive the final exam study guide. (Remind me in the last 10 minutes. That would be helpful.)

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

PSA Rubric

Your PSA will be scored on the rubric at this link

It is worth 20 points in Oral Communication/Digital Literacy.

We haven't had many assignments in that category, therefore this will be significant.

You will also be required to write an individual reflection, which will be scored in the writing category. You will receive this reflection on Thursday.

Monday, November 9, 2015

PSA Progress Check

Please see the previous post for specific dates and information.

You will need this link to submit your progress. (EVERYONE submits this, individually.)

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Vocab Root Slides and Other Announcements

  • Your PROPOSAL is due at the end of class on Thurs. November 5.
  • Your Vocab Root Practice sheets are due in class on Monday, November 9.
  • Your Final PSA Product is to be shared in-class on November 13. This means that you need to email Ms. Black to your YouTube Link, or file by Midnight on Thursday, Nov. 12. If it doesn't email, that means you need to bring it to me on a flash drive in class on Thursday. If it's not in my hands/email by 7:30am on Friday, it is late.
  • Book Love Reviews are due on on November 16 by midnight.
(It might be a good idea to put these dates on that calendar you share for your PSA Project.)

Things you need: